【同义词辨析】 2019-06-20 煽动incite-foment

incite: stresses a stirring up and urging on and may or may not imply active prompting: charged with ~ing a riot.   incite基本意思是to cause someone to act in an angry, harmful, or violent way使人愤怒有害或暴力地做某事,如inciting a group to violence/riot鼓动暴力/暴乱,如2021年1月6日川普被控鼓动叛乱incitement of insurrection prompturge不同,urge是敦促的意思不一定有效果,而prompt是促使,表示不但催促而且产生了效果to make someone to do something or make a decision,如what prompted you to say this是什么让你这么说,如economic recession prompted Japanese consumers to spend less经济萧条促使日本消费者减少开支)

instigate: definitely implies responsibility for the initiating of another's action and often connotes underhandedness or evil intention: ~d a conspiracy against the commander.   用incite的例句也可用instigate,表示使实际开始、发生,如he instigated the revolt他策动了这次叛乱

abet: implies both the assisting and encouraging of some action already begun: accused of aiding and ~ting the enemy.  aid and abet是法律用语固定搭配,又如she stands accused of aiding and abetting the crime她被控帮助和教唆犯罪

foment: implies a persistence in goading in regard to something already in seething activity: years of ~ing kept the flame of rebellion burning.      goad驱动刺激,表示让某人违背本身意愿做某事suggests a motive that keeps one going against one's will or desire,如the need to earn a living is the daily goad驱动他每天工作的是为了谋生)   seethe指液体翻滚翻腾涌动沸腾,或者指人发怒,如he marched off, seething with frustration他大为失望,气呼呼地走开了

incite鼓动煽动: 强调搅动催促,但未必促,instigate挑起使开始: 明确表示实际引发他人行动,一般暗示手法不正当目的阴险,abet唆使协助: 指不仅鼓动而且协助他人做(已经开始的)某事,foment长期煽动: 指长期鼓动 (已经开始的)某事,导致激烈沸腾

记忆方法: 1)首字母IIAF中II是罗马数字2,FA想成Foreign Agent,两个外国代理人<==煽动


         3)煽动的意思是促使激发他人行动mean to spur to action or to excite into activity.首字母IIAF中II是罗马数字2,FA想成Foreign Agent,两个外国代理人<==煽动   spur鼓动鞭策applies to a motive that stimulates the faculties or increases energy or ardor,如fear was the spur that kept me going是恐惧鼓动我继续走下去,spur本意是马刺即骑马的人鞋上的刺,用于让马快跑)